Pediatric physiotherapy encompasses a wide range of conditions and areas of focus, including:
1. Developmental Delays
Pediatric physiotherapists assess and address delays in motor development, such as delays in sitting, crawling, walking, or other milestones. They use age-appropriate therapeutic exercises, play-based activities, and techniques to facilitate gross motor skills and promote normal development.
2. Neuromuscular Disorders
Children with neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and genetic disorders often require specialized physiotherapy interventions. Pediatric physiotherapists work on improving muscle strength, range of motion, motor control, coordination, and mobility to enhance functional independence and quality of life.
3. Orthopedic Conditions
Pediatric physiotherapists treat children with orthopedic conditions such as fractures, sports injuries, scoliosis, and post-surgical rehabilitation. They provide appropriate exercises, manual therapy techniques, and education to optimize recovery, improve mobility, and prevent long-term complications.
4. Respiratory Conditions
Children with respiratory conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, or chronic lung diseases may benefit from pediatric physiotherapy. Physiotherapists use techniques like chest physiotherapy, breathing exercises, airway clearance techniques, and respiratory muscle training to improve lung function, manage respiratory symptoms, and enhance overall respiratory health.
5. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Pediatric physiotherapists work with children who have neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and sensory processing disorders. They provide interventions to address motor coordination, sensory integration, balance, and functional abilities, helping children participate in daily activities and reach their potential.
6. Pediatric Sports Rehabilitation
Pediatric physiotherapists assist children and adolescents with sports-related injuries, such as sprains, strains, ligament tears, and overuse injuries. They develop personalized rehabilitation programs, focusing on pain management, strengthening, flexibility, and safe return to sports activities.
7. Torticollis and Plagiocephaly
Physiotherapists specialize in treating conditions like congenital torticollis (neck muscle imbalance) and plagiocephaly (abnormal head shape). They provide interventions like stretching exercises, positioning techniques, and parental education to promote normal muscle balance and optimal head shape.
Pediatric physiotherapy involves a child-centered approach that takes into account the unique needs and abilities of each child. Treatment sessions are often play-based, engaging children in activities that promote motor skills, coordination, and functional abilities.
Pediatric physiotherapists work closely with families, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care. They provide education, home exercise programs, and guidance on adaptive equipment or orthotics as needed.
Enraf-Nonius has many products that are well suited for treatment of non-adults. They are safe to use for children and designed for the growing body. Hereunder some products that are specially of interest for pediatric treatment.
Enraf-Nonius offers many products that are well suited for pediatrics treatments
Treatment couches, electrophysical agents and some medical rehabilitation tools do meet the demands for pediatrics.
Treatment Couches for pediatrics
Enraf-Nonius has a complete line of treatment couches, from simple and very affordable tables to professional examination and treatment couches.
For pediatrics, the Manumed ST and the ManuXelect stands out. It allows for the most optimal positioning of your patient, also for non-adults. These couches can be equipped with a fold down side support. These side supports in the upright position prevents the child from falling off the table!
Another indispensable couch for pediatrics is the Manumed Exercise. These large tables (100 or 120x200 cm) allow for table based exercising according to methods like Vojta or Bobath. Both popular for the developing child.
Electrophysical Agents for pediatrics
Enraf-Nonius electrophysical agents products comprise many modalities that are effective in pediatrics.
Look at the COMPACT-II for High Energy Inductive Therapy. It both stimulates cell metabolism and cell regeneration, but it also regulates the muscle tone and stimulates blood flow. It is absolutely safe for the use in a pediatric environment and has no known side effects.
Another unit for pediatric use is the Myomed 134, a simple-to-use unit for myofeedback and pressure feedback. Providing feedback on motor control can result in better coordination.
Medical rehabilitation products for pediatrics
Enraf-Nonius medical rehabilitation equipment is made for pediatrics.
The active rehabilitation package contains as well strength training as well as cardiorespiratory training devices.
For pediatrics, especially the EN-Motion treadmill and the EN-Tree product line are relevant.
Check out the EN-Motion treadmill. This unique treadmill is very easy to access for patients (with a step-up height of only 12 cm). The minimum velocity of the EN-Motion is so low that you can start using it in the early rehabilitation. And with the unique auto-speed, where the velocity is automatically adjusted according tot the patients' performance. For pediatrics, this treadmill is very attractive with electric high-low adjustable sidebars.
The EN-Tree products are extremely versatile and therefore well suited for exercising with non-adult patients. As the direction and the magnitude of the force can be defined by means of the rope spout, any exercise can be realized according to the individual patient's possibilities. It can adapt for size, range of motion and for small starting weights and minimal weight increments.
Enraf-Nonius equipment is perfect for pediatrics.

Selected products for Paediatrics
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(1) = Check with your local representative for availability in your country.
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